
Daniel is available to write bespoke songs to celebrate special people and occasions


“Stars” – for Hannah, his niece
(Hannah’s husband is a physics and astrophysics graduate. Dedicated to the union of Hannah and Joseph)

“A kiss edge” – for Jessica, his niece
(Jessica’s name backwards sounds like A kiss edge, hence the theme. Dedicated to the union of Alex and Jessica. References to Cambridge Uni, where they met, as well as Hebrew love themes and Israeli dancing)

“Everything Belongs to the Wind” – A song for his parent’s best friend, on hearing of his passing

“Real Angels” – This song was written for the NHS Staff during the challenging time of Covid, early 2020

“She’s my Heroine” – Dedicated to one nurse in particular. Its all in the lyrics!

“Wandering Soul” – Dedicated to Daniel’s favourite songwriter, Joni Mitchell